Toning/Whitening cream can cause infertility in both men and women
By Olaide Osayemi
According to research published in several medical journals, many of the ingredients found in common everyday skin and personal hygiene products contains high level of PFCs.
PFCs are perfluorinated compound per- or polyfluoroalkyl chemical which is an organofluorine compound containing only carbon-fluorine bonds and C-C bonds but also other heteroatoms.
Anyone who has heard the term PFC knows that these toxins can be dangerous to our health and well-being, even causing cancer in many instances.
Coming in contact with these PFCs usually result to a variety of infertility issues, the experts claimed. One study conducted by UCLA researcher Chunyuan Fei, and published online in Human Reproduction, states that women with higher-than-normal levels of PFCs have exhibited a 60-154% higher risk of infertility than those who do not.
Why the inclusion of PFCs are important
The FCCs ease the absorption of these creams and lotions into the skin for effectiveness, but also sending these dangerous toxins straight to the cells and bloodstream where they can travel throughout the body’s systems, creating havoc wherever they go.
Not only women have to deal with PFCs, men also need to watch out for the skin creams, deodorants and sprays they use, which may contain the same high levels of PFC’s as women’s products. Like women, PFCs can affect their fertility by decreasing the volume, overall health and mobility of their sperm.
Asides PFCs, there are some other chemicals that are not good for trying to conceive moms and ladies which will includes:
Retinol: It can thin the skin, enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation just to name a few. However, there are retinols that are more gentle strength but when TTC-ing and during pregnancy, the fewer the chemicals, the better.
Hydroquinone: This is a tyrosinase inhibitor (melanin blaster and lightener). Although, it is banned, there are still products out there in the market containing this chemical. Research is currently being done to decide how caustic this product is. Some case studies have even shown the liver is never rid of this product.
When someone is undergoing the IUI or IVF process (intrauterine, insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) are two commonly used methods of fertility treatment, which increase a couple’s chance of becoming pregnant. IUI is a procedure during which processed and concentrated motile sperm are inserted directly into a woman’s uterus), the amount of medication is already over-taxing the liver. No need to add more.
Chemical peels (includes glycolic acid, salicylic acid):
When this products are great for some people, moms and ladies trying to conceive are advised to avoid them. There are plenty of natural, chemical free ways to exfoliate the skin and great products that will regenerate collagen and reduce pigmentation. You just need to be more creative.
Have it at the back of your mind, the next time you go cosmetics shopping, to buy organic products. Better still, use natural products readily available in your fridge.
It is really not that hard to do, Instead of her whitening cream, coconut oil sufficed. You can used Brown sugar mixed with honey and olive oil to exfoliate, and at the same time moisturize your face. Sometimes, keeping things simple is best for us, and our fertility.