Ghanaians Studying In Morocco Risk Eviction Over Delayed Stipends

Ghanaian students studying in Morocco under a government scholarship programme have made an urgent appeal to President Akufo-Addo for the prompt release of their overdue stipends.

The students voiced their concerns during a peaceful demonstration, highlighting the severe challenges they face due to the delay in payments.

Enrolled in various universities across Morocco, the students reported that they were on the brink of eviction from their apartments due to unpaid rent.

They also mentioned struggling to afford necessities, forcing them to rely on the generosity of friends.

Some students have lamented the distressed situation, calling for an urgent response, “It is not our fault. We were sent to this place by the government on a scholarship. Brilliant but needy students… It has been more than 10 months, we are going into the 11th month without our stipends. We live in a country where rent is 120 per month. That’s the cheapest you can get at a place without security.”

“Our lives are in danger. We are begging you, Mr. President, if you don’t intervene, there will be blood on your hands. If we don’t get paid in less than one week, there will be blood on your hands.”

One female student shared, “We are urging the government of Ghana to come to our aid. As ladies here in this country, we are not even able to afford basic needs, including sanitary pads. The worst part is, when our parents send us money, it amounts to nothing here.”

The students’ desperate situation calls for immediate action to ensure their well-being and continued education.

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