Diddy Faces 6th Sexual Assault Allegation From Former Fashion Student

Sean “Diddy” Combs, the renowned American music mogul, faces new allegations of sexual assault from April Lampros, who claims a series of assaults started in the 1990s after they met in New York City.

According to TMZ, April was a student at the Fashion Institute of Technology when she met Diddy, who offered to mentor her in the fashion industry.

In her lawsuit, April alleges that Diddy initially showered her with gifts and flowers before their first meeting at a SoHo bar in 1995. She claims he plied her with alcohol and took her to his room at the Millennium Hotel, where she began to feel ill and disoriented. Despite being conscious, April says she was unable to defend herself as Diddy allegedly raped her. The next morning, she woke up “nude, sore, and confused.”

Months later, April claims Diddy resumed contact, luring her with promises of access to music industry events. Believing his words, she decided to give him another chance. However, she alleges that while they were walking to his car in a parking garage, Diddy forced her to perform oral sex on him, with a garage attendant witnessing the act.

April states that after this incident, she rejected Diddy’s continued advances, leading to incessant calls and threats to blacklist her in the industry. She describes Diddy developing a “mobster persona.” In 1996, she claims he summoned her to his apartment, where she met Kim Porter. According to April, Diddy forced her to take ecstasy and demanded she have sex with Kim while he watched. She alleges he raped her again during this encounter.

April ended their relationship in 1998 but had a run-in with Kim Porter at a restaurant where she was working. She claims Kim accused her of trying to poison her, resulting in April’s termination from the job after Kim threatened the restaurant owner with Diddy’s influence.

In the lawsuit, April recounts another incident around the end of 2000 or early 2001, when she ran into Diddy at Rockefeller Center. Despite exchanging pleasantries, she alleges Diddy came back to her apartment and tried to assault her again, but she managed to fend him off.

April also claims that last year, someone informed her then-boyfriend about a video of her and Diddy having sex, recorded without her knowledge and shown to multiple people.

She is suing Diddy for sexual assault, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The lawsuit also names Bad Boy Records, Arista, and Sony Music Entertainment as defendants, alleging they enabled his actions.

Diddy’s representatives have yet to comment on these allegations.

April’s attorney, Tyrone Blackburn, is also representing other individuals who have filed lawsuits against Diddy, including Rodney Jones, Liza Gardner, and Grace O’Marcaigh, who has accused Diddy’s son, Christian Combs, of sexual assault.

These new allegations come shortly after former model Crystal McKinney sued Diddy for an alleged sexual assault in 2003.

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