*Discard frizzy hair: A common problem in summers is frizzy hair. Jojoba oil softens your hair, locking the tresses against unwanted moisture and preventing frizzy hair. At the same time, it works as a natural replacement for essential moisture of the scalp and strands, which is often taken away by then away by the harsh chemicals present in shampoos.
*Nutritious for skin: Jojoba contains nutrients like Vitamin E and B, as well as antioxidants and several essential minerals which hydrate, nourish and protect skin. Organic jojoba oil has the highest level of antioxidants and nutrients. Jojoba has properties that speed up cell regeneration.
*Relaxation and stress relief: Jojoba oil has many healing properties. Specially, the lavender jojoba oil has a calming, earthy, lightly sweet and freshly floral scent, which is widely beloved for its relaxing and balancing effects on both the physical and emotional bodies. It can improve sleep if a few drops are poured on the pillow.
*Acne control: Acne develops when the hair follicles get blocked due to excess sebum production. Being a liquid, jojoba oil can penetrate deep into the hair follicle. It can dissolve the sebum deposits, resulting in clearing out the blockage.
*Moisturizes skin: Jojoba oil is lighter compared to other oils and absorbs easily into the skin. It softens the skin and adds a healthy glow, by providing moisture and nourishment, and leaves the skin looking fresh and youthful. Jojoba oil also treats sunburn and prevents irritation.