Too Faced Founder Jerrod Blandino Says Ditch These 5 Bad Beauty Habits ASAP!

I’ve been in the beauty industry for over 20 years, and I’ve seen it all. I love breaking “the rules” — you know, those ridiculous things people say like you can’t wear a dark lip and a dark eye look together, or that you have to ditch shimmer shadows over a certain age, or the idea that your hair or eye color has to determine what makeup colors you wear. However, even a rule breaker like me has a few nonnegotiables. I love self-expression, putting your own spin on things, and all things modern, creative, and fabulous, but here are the rules you just can’t ever break — because they’ll hurt your health, age you, or just make you look bad.

Not Taking Your Makeup Off Before Bed

It’s not even an option. You will ruin your skin and your sheets. Pull your sh*t together — you’ve got to be in beauty for the long haul and this will not end well. I know what you’re thinking: taking off your makeup before bed is obvious. Then why aren’t you doing it? If you can’t bring yourself to do a proper cleanse, just stock up on some of those makeup wipes and stash them in your nightstand drawer.

Not Wearing Sunscreen Every Single Day

Are you serious?!?! Skin cancer is one of the fastest growing cancers for young women and men. This is serious — people are dying. You must apply sunscreen or have a moisturizer with sunscreen in it of at least SPF 30 or more. It should be the last step before applying makeup. Don’t rely on foundation for your sun care — it isn’t meant to be the sole defense against the sun.

My sister was diagnosed with stage four melanoma and was given six months to live because as kids we ran around in the sun, tanned at the pool, and spent the day at the beach. It’s a miracle that she beat cancer and today is thriving, but it’s an everyday reminder to wear sunscreen. The sun doesn’t just cause wrinkles; it can kill you.

Getting Stuck With the Same Look For Years

One of life’s biggest temptations is to take the safe road with what’s familiar to you. Don’t ever get stuck in a rut like having the same haircut and tired beige lipstick you’ve had since high school. You have to try new things — don’t be afraid of going to your local Sephora or Ulta Beauty and asking an expert there to pick out a new lipstick shade you wouldn’t have ever chosen for yourself. Or watch YouTube tutorials from creators like Kandee Johnson and Jackie Aina to get inspiration for a new beauty look. Mix things up, but always filter it through your own version of pretty.

Not Throwing Away Old Makeup

Makeup doesn’t have an infinite shelf life. You should have a new mascara every three months and ditch your lipstick after about a year. Any product with oil in it can eventually go bad. Go through your makeup bag and all those bathroom drawers to do a total makeup refresh.

Not Drinking Enough Water

To have a plump, hydrated, luminous, healthy canvas to apply your makeup to, you have got to be drinking enough water — a good primer can only do so much. The hardest time to remember to drink water is when you’re out celebrating, so a great way to remember is to make yourself drink two glasses of water for every cocktail you have!


Credit: Popsugar


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