The Investment Society, UNILAG set to hold the Largest Students’ Investment Conference in Sub-Saharan Africa

Over the years, The Colloquium has sparked conversations around various topics among the students in various universities.

You cringe and squeeze your face when you hear cash flow statements. The thought of balance sheets and income statements scare you. Then you hear that Peter Thiel sold 16.8 million Facebook shares in 2012, pocketing roughly $640 million, or that Lanre earns 40% on his investments monthly, suddenly you want to be an investor.

Over the years, The Investment Society (TIS), University of Lagos, has built a reputation for being one of the most formidable student investment societies in sub-Saharan Africa. Our intense training programs coupled with our industry-wide adventures, stock pitches, business case competitions, and networking sessions, arm our members with a solid knowledge base and a diverse skill set that positions them on a trajectory of success in their career pursuits as well as in local, national and international competitions.

In our bid to strengthen our commitment to preparing students for the future of investment, we pulled off by far the largest student investment conference in sub-Saharan Africa in 2019, raising the bar from our previous groundbreaking conference: The Colloquium 2018. Over the years, The Colloquium has sparked conversations around various topics among the students in various universities.

This year, the highly educative conference seeks to set another record, virtually bringing together over 1000 delegates from 20 universities across Africa, together with leading CEOs and authorities in technology, international finance, economy, technology, media, and academia to discuss the theme: SHAPING THE FUTURE. TRADE, INVESTMENT, AND TECHNOLOGY.

Notable Speakers include Cecelia Akintomide, Banji Fehintola, Maya Famodu, Abimbola Sulaiman, Blessing Omorerie, Babatunde Oladosu Diana Wilson, and Wale Adeosun amongst others.

In addition to insightful discussions on technology, investment and Generation Z, The Colloquium 2020 also includes an essay competition on the topic ‘How would you leverage trade, investment, and technology to drive development in your country’ to actively engage youths across Africa.



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