Oke Umurhohwo of itel Mobile Wins Big at the Tech Africa Awards

Oke Umurhohwo of itel Mobile Named Most Innovative Marketing Manager at Titans of Tech Africa Awards

In a resplendent ceremony that celebrated technological innovation and brilliance, Oke Umurhohwo, the Marketing Manager (West Africa) for itel Mobile, was honoured with the coveted title of “Most Innovative Marketing Manager of the Year” at the prestigious Titans of Tech Africa Awards held in Lagos.


With an illustrious marketing career spanning over 10 years, Oke Umurhohwo has been a driving force behind the marketing strategies and brand development of itel Mobile, a leading mobile phone brand in Nigeria. His exceptional leadership and strategic acumen have been instrumental in propelling the brand’s success and rapid expansion across the West African region.


Oke’s remarkable expertise lies in defining the perfect balance of investments and channels, encompassing traditional ATL strategies and innovative digital BTL approaches. This dynamic approach has significantly enhanced itel Mobile’s brand image and consumer preference, solidifying its position as a market leader.

One of Oke Umurhohwo’s key contributions is his strategic acumen in developing comprehensive marketing plans that drive successful product launches across diverse market segments. By attracting new customers and nurturing brand loyalty, he has played a pivotal role in achieving substantial growth in sales for the brand.


Furthermore, Oke Umurhohwo’s dedication to excellence extends to the digital sphere as well. As a Digital Marketing Supervisor, he expertly planned and executed web, social media, and display advertising campaigns, measuring and optimizing their performance to enhance itel Mobile’s online visibility and customer engagement.


The Titans of Tech Africa Awards is a revered platform that identifies and honours outstanding individuals like Oke Umurhohwo, who exemplify the spirit of innovation and have a profound impact on Nigeria’s technology and business landscape.


As Oke Umurhohwo receives the well-deserved accolade of “Most Innovative Marketing Manager of the Year,” it is evident that his contributions have not only elevated itel Mobile’s market position but also set new benchmarks for marketing excellence in the West African region.

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