No To Drugs Initiative (NTDI)drops “Say no to drugs” video

No To Drugs Initiative (NTDI)drops “Say no to drugs” video

In furtherance of her sole aim of creating strong awareness to sensitize the youths in Nigeria on the negative and physiological effects of the use hard drugs and substance through her β€˜β€™Say no to drugs’ campaign.

Humanitarian foundation “No To Drugs Initiative” takes the movement further with a new music video by a few of her Ambassadors which cut across Musicians, Sportsmen, Young Entrepreneurs et al. put together by Afropunk act “Randawest” alongside Mo’rutty in the video titled “Say no to Drugs”


The not-for-profit making organization overtime has Β put together symposia and conferences on drug related issues from time to time from secondary schools to the markets as well as Universities thereby y raising community awareness on the destructive effects of drug abuse in the society at large.

NTDI “Say no to drugs” campaign video is now available on youtube.


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