Street-style stars have been shoving their pants into their ankle-strap shoes to create a kind of flare situation and I’m currently processing whether this actually looks cool or if everyone’s pulling an elaborate prank on me.
Apparently the styling trick works with both tapered pant legs and wide-leg options. The tapered style is a bit less obvious, and I do think if you’re curious to try this trend, it’s a good entry point.
The wide-leg version varies between making the pants look like they have scrunchie sweat-pant hems or turning them into mini bell bottoms. This is the one that requires a bit more skill, IMO, because it’s harder to get it “right.”
Tips: First, it should be a heel. Second, it should have either the ballet-style lace-up kind of straps or spiral straps. Ones that zip up the back or buckle are okay for the skinny-jean-type styles, but not for the wider-leg options. This is because the bulkier back heels of those designs pin the excess fabric down in the back, and make it look less uniform.
Credit: Cosmopolitan