Nigeria’s leading mattress and other bedding products manufacturer, Mouka, was on Tuesday September 10, 2019 recognized by Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association (NECA) for safe work environment.
NECA rewarded the branded mattress manufacturer with a Peugeot Ambulance based on the outcome of its 2018 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) audit exercise following what the Association described as an exceptional performance by the indigenous manufacturer.
The award is the result of NECA’s partnership with the Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF) geared towards executing the Safe Workplace Intervention Project (SWIP). This is designed to ensure the effective implementation of the Employees’ Compensation Act 2010 being implemented by the NSITF through intervention programmes that would make the workplace safer for employees and reduce the risk exposure of the NSITF.
Conducted in March 2018 and its results made available in 2019, the NECA-NSITF Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) audit is an initiative under the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment which saw the Kaduna Plant of Mouka, emerge winner for its exceptional performance in the OSH management systems.
The Chief Operating Officer Mouka, Mr Femi Fapohunda while congratulating Mouka’s Kaduna Plant team reiterated the company’s safety slogan “safety first, safety always”. He emphasized that this should remain the watchword and practice of all Mouka staff nationwide.
Mouka’s ability to clinch this award, watchers of the industry say, is hinged on the organisation’s values which it clearly communicates to its wider market audience.