Are you planning on visiting your salon soon and get your nails done? Check out this very cool matte Nail design you can get inspirations from..
Metallic Splatter
Contrast a matte gradient with gold splatter for a celestial look.
Design by @ladycrappo
Monochrome Polka Dots
Try a monochrome polka dot design by starting with a matte base. Once dry, paint the dots with a glossy polish in the same color.
Design by @aliciatnails
Black and Gold
For this look, start with a matte black nail. Add a metallic gold lacquer to your tips for a glam but minimal design.
Design by @karengnails
Matte + Chrome
If you want a higher contrast, apply chrome nail tape to your tips instead of polish.
Design by @mpnails
Embellished Flowers
For a textured floral nail, this design mixes matte polish, regular polish, and embellishments. Start with a matte base. Let it dry and then paint flower petals in a glossy hue. Finish the nail with crystal accents glued to the center of each flower.
Design by @jessicawashick
Marble Matte
Instead of creating tie-dyed nails in bright neon, choose a realistic Carrara marble design. You can follow the same steps as a traditional marbled nail, or you can freestyle the design by hand. Either way, use a paintbrush dipped in polish remover to gently blur the edges. Finish with a matte topcoat and voila: You match the bathroom marble.
Design by rosebnails
Matte Neon
Start with a neon orange base and then add an inverted V to each nail. Once dry, set the look with a matte topcoat.
Design by @paintboxnails
Graphic Aztec Inspired
Tape off your half moon in a triangle shape. Paint a taupe matte polish and let dry. Use a thin brush to add linear details.
Design by @vanityprojects
Photo Credit: Elle