If Your House was on Fire and you can Rescue Some Items, What Items Would You Take?
I have wondered and asked myself this question a million times: “If our house were to ever catch fire, what things would be salvage before the fire raze down everything?
I understand that we are religious; God forbid will be what you would want to say because of your religious belief; I say God forbid as well! But let’s just assume it does happen. The decision would never be easy. It’s difficult not to define our lives by the things that we own, everything we have collected over time, our comforts and our joys. So what happens when those things you have placed so many premiums on are gone?
The sudden loss of, not only your home, but to precious family heirlooms, invaluable documents, photographs, and treasured keepsakes is devastating, a time filled with confusion, heartbreak and pain.
I throw this open to you folks, if it does happen, what will you go for?