Glo To Unleash Unlimited Internet Connectivity In Remote, Under-Served Areas

Remote communities and underserved areas across the country which do not yet have access to internet connectivity have been assured of unlimited connectivity courtesy of digital solutions provider, Globacom.


The company which recently signed a business deal with France based Eutelsat, a global commercial satellite company stated that one of the major benefits of the agreement is the provision of VSAT/Satellite-based internet service and Satellite-based community wifi internet service in unserved areas across the country.


In a statement released in Lagos, Globacom said, “This is also in line with the Federal Government’s desire to extend broadband coverage beyond urban and densely populated areas. Millions of Nigerians will, therefore, have access to communicate and transact business with the communal provision of internet access by Globacom in these rural areas”,


It explained that the Glo-powered Eutelsat Konnect Satellite platform will help to facilitate payments to workers or companies in remote areas, in addition to helping subscribers to undertake electronic transactions as well as connecting subscribers in urban cities to their friends and families in remote communities.


Expatiating on the advantages of the deal, Globacom said “This is a specialized internet service provision for remote communities where internet access is either currently minimal or not available. The service will be offered at very attractive and competitive rates which will be cheaper than the current expensive options of going into bigger towns for internet access or internet access over very expensive terrestrial network in such communities”,


The company added that the services will be extended to different part of the country particularly “Remote Northern/Middle-Belt communities, southern offshore locations, farm ranches and factories/businesses far from townships where access to internet/terrestrial networks are a challenge”.



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