Getting Into The Movie Industry Was Not A Walk In The Park For Me – Motunrayo Oluwakemi

Beautiful and well-endowed Nollywood Actress and movie producer, Motunrayo Oluwakemi aka Motunrayotohset, who is wrapping up plans on the premiere of her new movie production, ATUNIDA 2 is one of the rising stars doing Nollywood proud with their beauty and acting prowess.

The Owo, Ondo State born actress who is an OND graduate of Business Administration from the Lagos State Polytechnic and started acting in 2008 speaks on the challenges she face while starting out and explained that she experienced both the ups and downs in the industry but she remained unshaken because of her passion for acting.


“I joined the movie industry in 2008 through Afeez Owo Group (Double A Entertainment).


“Getting into the movie industry was not a walk in the park for me. When I first came into the industry in 2009, the competition between actresses was much but I thank God I am still alive and doing well for myself.


“I think the most challenging aspect of being an actress is the way people perceive us. The untrue assumptions are quite disturbing. Some people classify actresses as runs girls (prostitutes) in disguise and I think it is not appropriate to have such thoughts. For instance, I recently bought a new SUV and some people were quick to say it was my sugar daddy that bought it for me. It’s unfortunate that people do think we can’t do good things in life through our sweat and without men. Aside from acting, I have a wine and jewelry store.


“I am equally a producer, having produced five interesting movies: Rinsola Oloko Meta, Eleda, Elegbenla and Atunida 1 and 2. Essentially, I have learnt a lot of lessons in the industry”.


Speaking further on her foray into the acting world, Moturanyo revealed, “When I told my parents about my intention to join the movie industry, my mum was initially not in support of my decision. She was worried about the wild rumours and scandals around actresses. She was also scared about the issue of sex in exchange for movie roles. Thankfully, my mum did a good job of raising me and my case was different. She is always happy and proud anytime she watches my movies”.


The delectable actress will soon be screening her new movie; ATUNIDA 2 which was produced due to the yearnings of her fans after the success recorded by the Part 1 of the movie.


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