Calypso Coconut Liqueur Celebrates World Cocktail Day With Mixologist Aisien

In celebration of World Cocktail Day on May 13, 2024, Calypso Coconut Liqueur teamed up with the renowned mixologist, Uyi Raphael Aisien (Ralph Cocktail), to bring a burst of tropical flair to the art of mixology.

This exciting collaboration not only highlighted the exceptional versatility of Calypso Coconut Liqueur but also engaged cocktail enthusiasts in a captivating digital experience.

The World Cocktail Day is a global celebration of cocktails; and marks the publication date of the first definition of a cocktail on May 13 in 1806. Calypso Coconut Liqueur, known for its tropical flair and premium quality, seized this opportunity to engage cocktail enthusiasts and showcase the brand’s exceptional flavours.

Uyi Raphael Aisien popularly known as Mr. Ralph, a maestro in the world of cocktails, founder and Head Mixologist of Ralph’s Cocktail, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of bartending. With over 25,000 guests served across 288 events, his passion for mixology is unmatched. A former banker turned mixologist, Mr. Ralph has honed his skills with a certificate from the European Bartending School and has won several local competitions in Nigeria, including the Diageo Cocktail Challenge and Angostura Cocktail Challenge. His excellent videography skills have earned him contracts with non-beverage brands like Mint NG and Big Joe Table Water, and he recently secured a 1-year contract to produce 24 videos for a glassware company.

Collaborating with Ralph Cocktail on World Cocktail Day, Ralph took centre stage in Calypso’s special cocktail mixing virtual session, wowing audiences with his creative flair. Through an engaging and illustrative video content, the renowned mixologist shared insider tips and crafted delightful cocktails using Calypso Coconut Liqueur as the star ingredient. Calypso Coconut Liqueur emerged as the perfect companion for celebrating World Cocktail Day, offering a taste of the tropics in every sip.

Expressing her enthusiasm about the collaboration and the spirit of World Cocktail Day, Modupe Aremo, Brand Business Manager for Calypso Coconut Liqueur, said “At Calypso, we are passionate about creating exceptional drink experiences that switch up the tropical fun. Collaborating with Mixologist Ralph Cocktail allowed us to share our love for mixology and showcase the versatility of Calypso Coconut Liqueur. This partnership underscores our commitment to innovation and celebrating the artistry of cocktails.”

Ralph Cocktail’s collaboration with the brand, inspired the interest of gin connoisseurs and enthusiasts which led to a social challenge where influencers and gin lovers across Nigeria took to their social media pages to replicate the renowned mixologist’s recipes, with Calypso Coconut liqueur as the magical ingredient.

The celebration resonated with cocktail enthusiasts, inspiring creativity and a renewed appreciation for the craft of mixology. It also reinforces Calypso’s commitment to provide consumers with memorable and enjoyable drinking experiences that switches up the fun in every moment.



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