Bomb Explosion claimed lives at University of Maiduguri

Bomb Explosion claimed lives at University of Maiduguri-acadaextra

Bomb Explosion claimed lives at University of Maiduguri

Twin bomb explosion has reportedly happened at the University of Maiguduri in Borno state early hours of today.

The incident which occurred around 5am during the congregational Subhi prayers at the mosque claimed the lives of 2 people, 2 suicide bombers and 17 injured at the time of response.


According to a text message from the spokesman of the National Emergency Agency (NEMA), AbdulKadir Ibrahim confirming the incident said “Twin Blast from suicide bombers reported at University of Maiduguri. A mosque near Gate 1 and one other location around Gate 5 were targeted during the early hours of today. Rescue security officials are on site, triage and casualty evaluation concluded.

Bomb Explosion claimed lives at University of Maiduguri-acadextra

According to a report a professor of Veterinary Medicine was one of the dead victims and the examinations of the institution scheduled to start today has been cancelled.

Details later…

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