Believe it or not, even Beyoncé sweats. Though it’s hard to imagine Beyoncé looking like an ordinary, oily-faced commoner like us, when she’s dancing at a 100 miles an hour, singing at the top of her lungs, and performing under bright lights, it’s near impossible for her not to break a sweat—and yes, look a little greasy.
The only difference is that Bey knows how to conceal her sweat, so that her makeup stays put and her skin comes off looking dewy, rather than oily. Now, thanks to her longtime makeup artist, Sir John, we also have the secret for Beyoncé-like skin: cigarette rolling papers.
In an interview with Vogue, the 36-year-old singer’s number-one makeup artist explained how uses rolling papers—yes, the ones you can use to DIY your own cigarettes—to blot excess oil. Sir John revealed that the second to last step in his makeup routine is taking rolling papers (you can find a pack of 160 leaves for under $6 on Amazon) and blotting Bey’s skin.
The trick, which Sir John learned from years of working with celebrity clients, easily removes excess oil, allowing Sir John to put on powder without clogging Bey’s pores. “If you apply [the powder] before blotting,” he explains, “you’ll just push the oil right into your pores,” Sir John told Vogue.
Now, the trick will work just fine with run-of-the-mill blotting papers. But considering that rolling papers are practically a steal compared to the blotting papers you can buy at Sephora, you might as well save a penny or two and stock up. Besides, you can use the papers to also roll your own joints, and who doesn’t love a dual-use product.