Sleep and exercise: If you take care of your body from the inside, there will be a lot less money spent on maintaining a healthy appearance. For me personally, my skin is more beautiful when I do my kettlebell and light yoga workout routines every other day. I don’t play when it comes to my sleep, which is challenging because I am a night owl. Seven hours of sleep is non-negotiable for me.
Selective drinks:My only beverages are water and teas. I don’t drink any sugar beverages or add anything to my tea. Eliminating sugary drinks helps promote a cleaner immune system, and promotes clearer skin.
Mindful eating:I am an 80/20 vegan/vegetarian. I am dairy-free, but I do eat fish on occasion. Veggies are really inexpensive and you spend way less on food then when you eat meat. I also love eating raw whenever possible.
A list of natural and frugal beauty products for the skin and hair:I love Shea butter. I also use pure vanilla oil in lieu of traditional perfumes, which contain lots of alcohol. Extra virgin coconut oil, Jamaican black castor oil, and extra virgin olive oil all serve different purposes for your hair. You can also use coconut oil on your skin. I have had skin issues in the past with eczema, acne, and hives, so I understand the value of good skin care. Although my skin is dark chocolate, I try to wear sunscreen.
Makeup and strict makeup removal regimen:Makeup is fun for me. My three go-to makeup products are concealer, mascara, and lip gloss. Removing my makeup before I go to bed is a must no matter what, and braiding my afro so that it stays tangle-free before I go to bed is also a non-negotiable. I also find that Jamaican black castor oil makes my eyelashes grow and helps with wrinkles around the eye area as I age. This is important because I wear contacts, so I am often tugging on my under eye area. I also have hereditary dark circles and under eye puffiness, so I treat this area gingerly.
Be a revolutionary: Loving ourselves unconditionally, through all of our perceived skin issues, really is a revolutionary act. In my book, The Sacred Bombshell Handbook of Self-Love: The 11 Secrets of Feminine Power, I have a chapter called “Nizhoni.” The chapter is about beauty as a spiritual practice. Although I empower women to love themselves on the outside, the appreciation of one’s exterior beauty isn’t a frivolous thing. It is powerful magic to love who you see in the mirror!
Positive self-talk: A positive mental attitude is my biggest beauty secret of all. Some days are easier than others, but I find myself moving closer to where pure, unconditional self-love is my default setting. Loving ourselves is definitely a revolutionary act. That’s why I have redefined the word “bombshell” to mean a woman who loves herself mind, body, and spirit.
Create juicy health-related goals: In the future, I want to run a 5k race and get a yoga certification. Meditation, feel-good music, and journaling also keep me sane.