Another UNICAL Lecturer Suspended Over Misconduct

The University of Calabar (UNICAL) has suspended another lecturer, Dr. Joseph Idung from the Department of Science Laboratory Technology, amid ongoing suspensions within the institution.

A suspension letter from Registrar Gabriel Egbe indicates that Dr. Idung failed to return funds collected from students for their induction into the Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology (NISLT).

This decision comes just days after the Acting Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Dr. Joseph Akpan, was suspended and dismissed following revelations of his involvement in altering examination scores in PHM 311 (Introduction to General Antimicrobial Pharmacology), as reported by the Senate Examination Misconduct Committee (SEMC).

The administration expressed disappointment over Dr. Idung’s refusal to refund the allegedly extorted money.

The letter states that Vice-Chancellor Professor Florence Obi has ordered his suspension from university duties to allow him to face the Anti-Corruption and Transparency Monitoring Unit (ACTU), which is tasked with investigating the issue.

He has also been instructed to return all university property in his possession to the Head of the Department and to avoid campus unless responding to ACTU’s summons.

Additionally, the letter advises the Bursar to place Dr. Idung on half salary during the suspension period.

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