The vice-chancellor of Obafemi Awolowo University in Ile-Ife, Osun state, Professor Simeon Bamire, has announced that the 8.03-megawatt rural electrification project is 70 percent completed.
The university revealed its plan to disconnect from the national grid in 2019 upon the commencement of the 8.03-megawatt rural electricity project, which was funded by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to power the campus and its surroundings.
Professor Bamire, speaking after the inaugural council meeting led by Professor Siyan Oyeweso and the facility tour, also highlighted the need for the government to address the infrastructural deficit in the school.
He said: “We are prayerfully requesting that the government should find a way of assisting us further with respect to the dam that we have, it has to be dredged. Currently, the siltation there does not allow us to be able to get enough water to pump into the various hotels.
“We have the rural electrification project that is like 70 percent completed. What is required is four gas engines and then other accessories to make up the other 30 percent. If that is done we will be able to have enough, at least to supply to our school environment and also to the communities around us.”
Earlier, the chairman of the OAU governing board, Professor Siyan Oyeweso noted that during his inaugural meetings, the council interfaced with stakeholders in the varsity including the union leaders.
He said: “We will address the issue that has been raised before us including power, water, and accommodation among others by the university stakeholders.
“As a responsive and responsible council, we are ready to prioritise the welfare of the student and even the unions. We told the unions particularly CONUA and ASUU to sync their differences to form a united body.
“We want to secure OAU as a varsity of first choice, cutting-edge research and a defined definitive academic calendar. We promise that this Council will not engage in caucuses, it will establish synergy with management on a holistic basis.”