As finalists at Makerere University prepare for the 72nd Graduation Ceremony in May, 2022, the university has released a notice indicating graduation fees payment terms and a 100% increase in the same fees.
Campus Bee has confirmed that the 2022 graduation fees have gone up to Shs 218,000 from the 110,000 that was paid last year. The increase, noticeably, is because the university has gone back to charging graduands compulsory money for their graduation gowns after allowing them to purchase them at will in the virtual ceremony that took place last year.
Ugandan / East African graduands paid convocation fees (UGX 10,000), graduation fees (UGX 40,000), certificate fees (UGX 30,000), and transcript fees (UGX 30,000) last year and all these dockets have not seen any increase in price.
Makerere University set the dates for its 72 graduation ceremony for May 23 to May 27, 2022. The ceremony, according to a circular from the Academic Registrar’s office, will see more than 14,000 students graduate with diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s, and PhDs in various programmes.
- CampusBee