20-Yr-Old Nigerian SS3 Student Builds Drone From Local Materials, People Gather Around to Watch Him

A 20-year-old Nigerian man, Rejoice Oghenero, has built an unmanned aircraft (drone) from locally sourced materials. He works from a store he calls his factory. In a video documentary by Channels TV, the young man could be seen filing the body of one of the aircraft to make it smooth as he coated it with paints.

How he started Rejoice said he started out drone-making using bamboo. The young man added that it took him a long time before he perfected his skill.

At a time when he kept hitting a stumbling block, the young man took a long break to make more research. Rejoice revealed that when he made his first flight in 2013, he could not control the drone as the wind swallowed it up.

The 20-year-old man had to rely on the internet, his Physics textbook and his teacher to improve his creative art. Only seven survived The SS3 student explained how different materials used contribute to the whole making. He started out by using a wired remote which always made him lose the aircraft as it can only fly a short distance. With the ability to create a wireless remote, he said that he can now control it as far as possible. Out of the 50 aircraft he has built, only seven have survived crashes.




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