100 level UNILAG student commits suicide
The management of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) has confirmed the death by suicide of one Ariyibi Ayomide, a 100-level student of Employee Relations and Human Resources Management.
According to the Deputy Registrar, Toyin Adebule, Ayomide reportedly killed herself by ingesting insecticide after she was accused of stealing.. “She died at home. There is a rumour that she was accused of stealing some things in the hostel. When we meet the family, we will know what exactly happened. But definitely, she is dead. Definitely, she committed suicide. I have gone to her hall and I have confirmed the incident. Our thoughts are with the family.”
We gathered that Ayomide resided in Amina Hostel, and something got missing from another girl in her room. Some of the missing items includes makeup and clothing.
On Thursday the 30th of April, some of the missing items were found in Ayomide’s bag. It was actually scattered in three bags. The bags were in one, the clothes were in another, and then some other clothes were in another bag.
What followed was the shaming of Ayomide, with everyone calling her names and publicly disgracing her. Ayomide called her mum to tell her what happened, and she showed up the next day, on Friday. Her mum paid for everything. The makeup was valued at #2000 which her mum paid for.
Next, her mum, who is also a UNILAG staff, was about to take her home. But when she went back to her hostel, the shaming continued. Her mum dropped her at home and returned to work.
With enough time by herself, Ayomide found a fatal pesticide, Sniper. It’s popularly famous for how ruthless it is with rats. So because she couldn’t live with herself, she took her own life.
When her mother returned home, she found her daughter in a critical condition, she discovered that what she actually took was the pesticide. She tried everything to revive her, including making her ingest palm oil, and rushing her to the Lagos University Hospital (LUTH), but it was futile.
Ayomide passed away at about 7pm on Friday.